Winning the Marketing Game: Leveraging Sports Events for Maximum Impact
How can brands make the most of the hype around the Olympics?

How to turn rivalries into a competitive advantage
Learning from Palio di Siena jockeys: how to turn rivalries into a competitive advantage.

The digital transformation: tomorrow’s organization design
The digital transformation refers to the adoption of these digital technologies (and others) in commercial settings, and this transformation will drastically change the organizational landscape.

Information revelation… or information manipulation?
Looking at the information flow in organizations.

What makes a crowd-funding campaign successful?
New research finds the use of pronouns in crowdfunding campaigns impacts their success.

Build your brand to build your strategy
Managers and corporations now need to focus on brand-based strategies, rather than those resource-based strategies, to optimize operations.

How can anti-corruption regulations promote social responsibility?
Researchers examined the impact of international anti-corruption rules, finding that in certain conditions, such rules actually increased the likelihood of domestic firms engaging in bribery.

The luxury industry: In crisis or thriving?
Global crises have impacted all industries, including the luxury industry- but perhaps not in the way you’d think.

Scaling up social impact: how can we go from local success stories to systematic, widespread change?
What are the key factors of scaling up a social business?

What can businesses learn from social entrepreneurship initiatives?
Lessons in how companies can achieve both social and financial goals