Artification: Luxury down to a fine art

Artification: Luxury down to a fine art

by Delphine Dion

What do art and luxury have in common? Delphine Dion, professor of marketing and Academic Director for the Luxury Brand Management Major of the Global MBA, discusses the relationship between art and luxury, and how luxury brands draw inspiration from art.

TOP RESEARCH To do or not to do: How to set more ambitious goals

To do or not to do: How to set more ambitious goals

by Sonja Prokopec

Across a variety of contexts, individuals are more ambitious when their focal decision is inconsistent with goal achievement.

Artificial intelligence and information governance: a promising pair?

Artificial intelligence and information governance: a promising pair?

by Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau

How must information governance take into account the new artificial intelligence tools, which are both consumers and producers of information that needs to be governed? How can these same tools help organizations with data and information governance?

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