ESSEC Knowledge Review: Diversity and Inclusion

ESSEC Knowledge Review: Diversity and Inclusion

The special issue is available here. For a mobile-friendly version, click here.

“In diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” - Dr. Maya Angelou

Diversity and inclusion are global priorities, and rightfully so: equality is one of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals, and research that contributes to building an inclusive society has been identified as a priority by the European Union’s Horizon 2030 framework. At ESSEC Business School, we also strive for diversity and inclusion in both our pedagogical and academic activities. Our aim is to conduct research that has a positive, practical impact on society.

To that end, it’s important to apply a scientific approach to the study of diversity to identify workable solutions. ESSEC professors have risen to the challenge and are conducting cutting-edge research on a wide range of diversity topics, representing various disciplines: economics, management, marketing, econometrics, and finance.

In this special issue, professors have shared their research and thought leadership, discussing diversity in advertising, inclusive fashion, gender equality in business, talent management and migration, and more. They explore different facets of diversity: gender, size inclusiveness, the queer community, immigration, ethnicity, disability, and how these identities can interact. Humans contain multitudes and it’s important to recognize how our social identities shape our lived experiences. I hope this special issue provides food for thought on how we can approach grand challenges like diversity and inclusion as a society moving forward.

Julia Smith, Editor-in-Chief of ESSEC Knowledge