Women and the web: virtual networks and giving value to expertise
Viviane de Beaufort, tenure Prof. at ESSEC Business School and internationally recognized spokeswoman on law, economics and women’s entrepreneurship, looks into how women can use social networks and the web as windows for their professional expertise.

Marketing: How to be David against Goliath
Drawing on his in-depth study of the French success-story Michel et Augustin, Frédéric Oble, Professor of Marketing ESSEC Business School, provides us with insights into what the little brands can do to rival with the giants without spending millions.

3 keys to marketing your business in the Muslim World
Cedomir Nestorovic, Professor of Management at ESSEC Business School and author of the recently published book Islamic Marketing: Understanding the Socio-Economic, Cultural, and Politico-Legal Environment, explains the context and challenges of adapting products and services for the Muslim world.

Trial by Media: The Challenge of Impartiality in an Era of Real-Time News
From the new book Communication Juridique et Judiciaire, sous la direction d’Hurgues Bouthinon-Dumas, Nathalie Pignard-Cheynel, Charlotte Karila-Vaillant and Antoine Masson

CSR: Will all the sustainability talk have a real impact on the environment?
Corporations might embellish the truth, but are they also aspiring to change their behavior?

The Perks and Perils of Effortless Communication in the Workplace
Will you tweet, email or text something you might regret?

How Easy is it to Spot a Genuinely Green Business?
“Greenwashing” can make genuinely green businesses harder to identify.

A Film Festival To Celebrate Sustainability
ESSEC Faculty Add Academic Insight to the Deauville Green Awards, the First Ever International Festival for Corporate Films on Ecology and Sustainable Development.