A Stratospheric “Salvatore Mundi”
Professor Stoyan Sgourev presents his analysis of the recent record-breaking sale of a rediscovered De Vinci masterpiece.

Paris 2024: Paralympians in the Spotlight!
Professor Stefan Groschl explains why he thinks the Paris Olympics in 2024 might offer up the perfect opportunity to bring Paralympians the media attention they deserve.

How to Steer a Controversial Innovation Towards Acceptance -- and Success
Professor Bernard Leca looks to the Impressionists at the turn of the last century to identify the stratégies that have successfully catapulted revolutionary innovators into the mainstream.

What role will platforms like Netflix play at the Cannes Film Festival?
As new technologies, products, and channels of consumption throw the film industry into a period of transformation, will the Cannes film festival continue to be as important as it once was?

The Film Industry Can No Longer Escape its Digital Transformation
Until now, the film industry has been more or less been able to shield itself from digital upheaval. But this year's festivals season, including Cannes, is offering us a glimpse of changes to come.

A Reclining Nude and a Soaring Market
What’s relatively new today is the growing unpredictability at the high end of the market – where the stars reside

Is Obvious Product Placement a Problem?
While some argue that arts and culture sponsorship might stunt creativity, that’s not necessarily the case

Flipping the formula is what keeps Game of Thrones’ audiences hooked
As Game of Thrones edges into uncharted territory, is there an algorithm that could help us predict outcomes?

A “backstage” peek at how one music festival gets organized and financed
A new case method unveils the strategy, tangible operations and business models of one of Europe’s biggest rock music festivals

Art as a Reflection of Rising Economic Inequality
Monet, Matisse, and Picasso are fetching record breaking prices at auction