Irregular Migration and Network Effects: What Policy Implications for Europe?
Professor Radu Vranceanu comments on the complex relationship between regular and irregular migration in the EU context

Brexit, so what?
From a European perspective, it may not be such a big deal - but a lot still depends on what the member countries decide to do.

VIDEO: Negotiating with terrorism
Faced with such extreme terror, is there room for negotiation?

E-lobbying: learn to use the web to influence decision-makers
From the book Lobbying : cadre, outils & stratégies, edited by Viviane de Beaufort and Françoise Hacque-Cosson

VIDEO: Public Debt, Explained in 3 Minutes
How did Greek debt spiral out of control, and is leaving the Euro really the best option?

Economists call for a reform of the French labor market
An interview with Radu Vranceanu, Professor of Economics

Being part of the territorial consultation process takes courage
Courage, not only on the individual level, but also on the part of public and private developers, local authorities and associations, as well as public and private decision-makers

Morocco: How Can We Promote True Entrepreneurship?
An Analysis of the Moroccan Case on the Occasion of the 2014 Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Marrakech

The Nobel Prize Goes to an Exceptional Micro-economist
Jean Tirole, University of Toulouse Professor, recognized for his efforts to “tame powerful firms”

5 reasons why business leaders should follow the Indian Elections
This election promises to be the longest and most expensive general elections in the country’s history, perhaps in the world.