From CSR to the transformation of business models
Cécile Renouard, Director of the research program CODEV – companies and Development within ESSEC IRENE, shares her in-the-field research with multinationals to map out a strategy to address the sometimes divergent interests of business and ethics and propose a way forward for the transformation of business models.

What leads us to trust untrustworthy investment opportunities?
Financier Bernard Madoff (2nd-R) walks out from Federal Court after a bail hearing in Manhattan January 5, 2009 in New York City. Madoff is accused of running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme through his investment company.

The International Manager’s Formula for Boosting Creativity
The key to achieving creativity in any culture is recognizing that no one culture is inherently more creative than another, rather, different cultures achieve creativity in different ways.

Do Academics and Companies See Eye to Eye?
Complex business problems like data analysis require a little more cooperation.

Socially Responsible Investment in the Mainstream
Mainstream asset managers are starting to take non-financial performance factors into consideration.