Cécile Renouard
Cécile Renouard is director of the research program "CODEV - Business and Development" within ESSEC IRENE. She conducts research on corporate social and political responsibility and conditions for an ecological, social, economic and cultural crossover of our society towards economic models and way of life sustainable and inclusive. She has published various articles and several books on corporate social responsibility and social ethics: La Responsabilité éthique des multinationales ; Un Monde possible. Les acteurs privés face à l’injustice ; 20 Propositions pour reformer le capitalisme (co-directed with Gael Giraud) ; L'entreprise au défi du climat ; Éthique et entreprise ; L'entreprise comme commun. Graduate from ESSEC, Cécile holds a PhD in Political Science from EHESS, accredited to conduct research in philosophy. In 2017, she created the Campus of Transition, to facilitate students's - from ESSEC in particular - and professionals's immersion in a place 'in transition', in Seine et Marne.