ARTICLES WITH TAG: Management Department

TOP RESEARCH The CEO’s Journey to Sustainability

The CEO’s Journey to Sustainability

by Stefan Gröschl

Stefan Gröschl, Prof. of Management at ESSEC Business School and spokesman on CSR, shares his latest research on ex-Puma CEO Jochen Zeitz and the journey to sustainability.Our lessons come from the journey, not the destination

The Luxury Nomad

The Luxury Nomad

by Ashok Som

Mobile, connected and global: business people, travelers and tourists are forming an ever-increasing market of nomadic consumers. Prof. Ashok Som explores this unprecedented path to luxury and the questions of where to catch the luxury nomads, what to offer them and how to seduce them into buying.

TOP RESEARCH Downsizing: what makes a bitter recipe sweeter?

Downsizing: what makes a bitter recipe sweeter?

by Aarti Ramaswami

Professor Aarti Ramaswami, Director of the ESSEC Global MBA programme, digs deep into the sensitive issue of downsizing to reveal the factors across countries that make it either indigestible for stakeholders – or easier to swallow.

What luxury brands look for in their managers

What luxury brands look for in their managers

by Ashok Som

The attributes of a manager in the luxury sector reflect the very uniqueness of the luxury industry paradox: the long-term versus the ephemeral, the creator versus profit, local heritage versus global reach. Prof. Ashok Som looks into the special alchemy required for managers in the luxury sector.

TOP RESEARCH Sustainability in Fifty Shades of Green

Sustainability in Fifty Shades of Green

by Jan Lepoutre

Karoline Strauss and Jan Lepoutre, Professors of Management at ESSEC Business School, together with Geoffrey Wood, Essex Business School, University of Essex, argue that sustainability requires unique change in organizations and explain how employees across different levels of the organization can support it.

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