Priceline, Expedia and the Online Travel Agency Oligarchy
It’s going to be harder than ever for hotels to capture their fair share of today’s online travel customers

Economy & Finance
Why aren’t hotel chains more worried about AirBnB?
Eyes are on Airbnb as it hints at an upcoming IPO that could reach as high as USD$10 billion.

Taking on Booking.com
By taking on Expedia and Booking.com, are smaller hotels biting the hand that feeds them?

Do Unusual Hotels Have Lower Market Value?
What factors come into play to determine the market value of hotel properties?

Why are Some Countries more Successful Tourist Destinations than Others?
The ways in which economic, social and environmental factors can drive tourism – or hold it back.

London 2012: Marketing Potential and Pitfalls of Olympic Proportions
With an audience of over 4 billion for the opening ceremonies alone, it goes without saying that London 2012 offers up a golden opportunity for advertisers wanting to reach out to an immense number of fans.