Are researchers afraid of novel ideas?
Why conformism makes breakthrough discoveries fewer, and farther between?

Fighting Corruption with Education
Even as the 2014 Corruption Percentage Index paints a worrying picture, education offers hope

Time to evolve or perish in a changing world
Progressive deans – who dare to confront the many sacred cows in the profession – are needed

Bringing Research Into the Classroom
Professor Valery Yakubovich recognized at the 2013 ESSEC Foundation Awards.

Is Today’s Business School Only as Good as its Research?
Business Schools have come to realize that “strategy” matters for them, just as it does for the “private business”.

5 Tips for Sharing Knowledge through Social Media
In the classroom as in the office, social media is a great way to encourage the sharing of ideas and foster knowledge creation.

Neoliberalism vs. Academia
Universities as Market Actors and Knowledge in a Neoliberal Society

Women, Social Media and Professional Visibility
Recognition is an important step in leveling inequality in the workplace.

What is Business' role in Society?
ESSEC's Radu Vranceanu and Hamid Bouchikhi answer our questions regarding the recent Workshop for Business in Society and the Pursuit of the Common Good.