Vijay Yadav
Vijay Yadav is an Associate Professor in the Finance Department at ESSEC Business School Asia Pacific. He joined ESSEC in 2011 and teaches the Masters in Finance program and the Masters in Management, Grande Ecole program. Prior to his current role, he worked in the Bank of India and as a researcher on mutual fund management for 7 years. Prof. Vijay’s research areas include investment management, mutual funds, and stock markets, mostly in relation to US funds. His research into funds management also saw him winning the 2010 BlackRock prize for the best paper on funds management, as part of the 23rd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference. Prof. Vijay’s received his Bachelor of Science (Physics, Statistics, and Mathematics) at the University of Allahabad, India, a Masters of Philosophy (Development Economics) at Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India, a Master of Science in Management (Finance) and Doctor of Philosophy in Management (Finance) at INSEAD, France.