Why are some companies more competitive than others?

Why are some companies more competitive than others?

by Jérôme Barthélemy

Jérôme Barthélemy, Professor of Strategy and Management at ESSEC Business School and author of the book Libérer la Compétitivité (Pearson, 2016) shares 3 factors that set certain companies apart from the crowd

TOP RESEARCH Are pushy sales tactics contagious? Treat your business partners as you’d like them to treat their clients

Are pushy sales tactics contagious? Treat your business partners as you’d like them to treat their clients

by Richard McFarland

If you have never thought that your business behaviors create waves, then think twice: they may have a much more far-reaching impact than you’d ever have imagined. Richard McFarland, Prof. of Marketing at ESSEC Business School, shares his research into a novel concept he coins “supply chain contagion”.

Moroccan Businesses and the Energy Challenge

Moroccan Businesses and the Energy Challenge

by Hamid Bouchikhi

Hamid Bouchikhi puts the spotlight on efforts by Moroccan companies to improve energy efficiency.

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