France: Philanthropy seen by the decision-makers

France: Philanthropy seen by the decision-makers

by Arthur Gautier

Philanthropy is gaining in influence. Arthur Gautier, Senior Research Fellow at ESSEC Business School, Executive Director of the ESSEC Philanthropy Chair, poses the question whether is it understood by those who hold the power in France.

Weavers Studio of Bengal: sewing and sowing for the community

Weavers Studio of Bengal: sewing and sowing for the community

by Arijit Chatterjee

Following the publication of a recent case study Weavers Studio of Bengal: Use as many hands as possible, Prof. Arijit Chatterjee, ESSEC Business School Asia-Pacific explains the CSR endeavours of this exceptional Indian enterprise.

TOP RESEARCH VIDEO: Does mother tongue make for woman's work?

VIDEO: Does mother tongue make for woman's work?

by Estefania Santacreu-Vasut

Over the past century, women's labor market participation has increased dramatically around the world. Nevertheless, it seems that the final steps towards equality will be the most difficult as disparities between countries remain.

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