AI for Personal Default Prediction: Promises and Challenges Ahead
Economy & Finance

AI for Personal Default Prediction: Promises and Challenges Ahead

by Andras Fulop

In this piece we summarize some of the lessons that can be gleaned from the recent academic literature arising from the application of powerful artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to consumer credit risk.

Artificial intelligence and information governance: a promising pair?

Artificial intelligence and information governance: a promising pair?

by Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau

How must information governance take into account the new artificial intelligence tools, which are both consumers and producers of information that needs to be governed? How can these same tools help organizations with data and information governance?

TOP RESEARCH GDPR Compliance in Light of Heavier Sanctions to Come—at Least in Theory
Economy & Finance

GDPR Compliance in Light of Heavier Sanctions to Come—at Least in Theory

by Hugues Bouthinon-Dumas

Exploring the theoretical bases for GDPR sanctions and testing the reality of action against those bases.

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